Spring is here (and has been for a while) and the roommate, roommate’s other, and I have taken to tidying up the domicile with a little spring cleaning. I’ve lived here for almost 2 years, but just learned that we had an attic that I could put stuff in. In the process of moving some of my boxes from the downstairs storage closet, I noticed a unopened 3d-puzzle that had been sitting in its original shrinkwrap since I moved in. Since noone else was going to work on the puzzle, I decided to open it up and put it together. 700 pieces of foam-backed jigsaw puzzle pieces that formed a victorian style house replete with columns, patios, balcony and bay windows. Adding to the challenge was the fact that the picture on the box only displayed half of the puzzle (you know, the whole 3d can’t-see-all-sides-of-an-object-at-once-from-a-single-perspective thing),.1.5-2 days later, I completed the puzzle. The pooch in the photo is one of my other roommates, Lucy (I call her Lucy-Dooby-Doo)
I hunted around and found other 3D puzzles available for purchase, but I can’t quite justify such a frivolous expense at the moment. Maybe if I ever go away on a trip that will leave me a lot of boring free time, perhaps. I think I’d like to try to tackle the Sydney Opera House next.