It’s My Life (don’t you forget)

It seems like these entries are starting to become weekly occurrences. I’m afraid of boring the few folk(s) that do occasionally read (i got my first comment last week) this site, which is why I try to wait until some noteworthy event happens. I could just fill more posts with more introspective material (thoughts, wishes, etc), but I’m uneasy with giving everyone in the entire world potential access to such personal meanderings.
I’ll compromise. I’ll put more personal content up more often, but i’ll password protect it so that only folks who 1. Want to read that sort of junk 2. Have my approval can access it. Contact me if you want the goods!

The icon for this entry is an animated gif of Gwen Stefani from No Doubt’s It’s My Life   video (can you guess the lyrics she’s mouthing?). Its a song I play along with on my bass guitar. I spent tonight correcting and re-writing the bass tab for it. You can take a look at the tab right here. I’ve noticed other errors in the bass tab for Spiderwebs, but its only missing a few flourishes here and there, so I’ll leave it for another night. I guess i’ll have to start putting up all the bass tabs i’ve written on my website (only about 4).

Lacking companions to hang out with, today I went to Galyan’s on the advice of the Events section of to see a ‘Pugmo skateboard demonstration’. It turned out to be a product demonstration of a product that was so lame that I refused to embarrass myself by participating or taking any photos. Its a skateboard that the rider makes ‘go’ by working the deck like the lever on a railroad hand car. The deck sits about twice as high as the deck on a normal skateboard. They were allowing people to try it out. I don’t think it will catch on.
Bored with the demonstration, I ended up buying a book at Borders. I bought The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami, which was reccomended to me by sister-of-a-friend, Meg Andrew. I’m going to start reading it as soon as I finish this entry (and play a game of Warcraft 3 perhaps).

There is a gym-wide trip tomorrow to the Lake Lanier Islands. I already know that i’ll probably sunburn a bit if I go (yes, black folks can sunburn and peel). I’m allergic to sunblock, (clogs my pores and gives me a rash), so there’s no way around it unless i cover up. I went last year and had an okay time. The kids are all great, but I feel like I don’t spend enough time around my peers. Hopefully that will change, starting with the Stone Mountain trip i’m trying to put together. I don’t even know where people my age hang out! Sad, eh? Maybe you can tell me… leave me a comment!


One thought on “It’s My Life (don’t you forget)”

  1. I am going to stop emailing you if you don’t respond. I sent you a up-to-date photo that I don’t look like crud in and you don’t even post it. Reply old friend. Have you heard of any reunion news yet?

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